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![]() Corporation briefly introduces 浙江宁海夕阳红投资有限公司始于2005年5月,是以英国、泰国、台湾、新加坡、欧洲等地区的境外公司为导向,结合国内老年人经济为主体的综合实业投资企业。公司下设管理服务、设备租赁和自营进出口业务、投资咨询服务等五大开拓业务,有着融资性强,资金运作便捷,是致力于提升民营企业的新品质。 The Zhejiang Ning Hai Xi Yang Hong Investment Corporation was built at 2005 May, the mainly customers of the company is some oversea countrys and area, including United of Kingdom and Thianland、Taiwan、Sigorpor and few Europe Countrys. In company ,the most products and sevice is for the high age people.other sevice including managerment and investment consultants、 operations tenancy and product imports and exports,these service could offer very good cash flow for the company, and make worderful company finance,it is means very good competitiveness of this company. 经过两年多专业锤炼、励精图治,当之无愧地成为中国东部特大型制造经营民营明星企业。两年来,宁海夕阳红... [详细介绍] 暂无记录